Our packages are perfectly tailored, reasonably priced, and easy to quote to your clients. We’ve got your back, every step of the way… whilst in Korea.
Includes advise and consultation on up-to-date entry requirements to Korea, cargo import and customs clearance*, airport pick-up, and government ID verification.
* Optional: If pets arrive as excess luggage or in-cabin we arrange for meet & greet service
Upon request: We come to pick up the pet and bring it to Korea with our flight companion service.
To match your client budgets, needs and preferences, we offer multiple options for boarding. From standard pet hotel to private homestay and country boarding.
We follow the strict timeline and ensure a complete panel of vaccinations, tests and health checks required to enter Australia. Pet professionals make sure pets travel safely andy comfortably to, and from their clinical appointments.
Our export team ensures safe handling, and cargo flight to Melbourne, including all necessary export documentation, import permit to Australia, and quarantine boarding at the Mickleham Post Entry Quarantine Facility.
Something for every pet’s preference
- Individual box
- Daily play and socializing time
- Experienced pet professional caretakers
- Individual Suite
- Daily play and socializing time
- Experienced pet professional caretakers
- CCTV live footage
- Customizable boarding service
- Experienced and passionate caretakers
- Socialization with a limited number of pets in a home environment
- Regular updates with photos and videos in dedicated app
- Personalized boarding service
- Experienced and passionate caretakers
- Private home environment for one client's pet(s)
- Regular updates with photos and videos in dedicated app